Ingrid Tien, MA

Ingrid Tien, an educational psychologist, has spent a decade working directly with neurodivergent youth and adults in clinical settings. During this time, she has developed a comprehensive approach to evaluating her clients' educational and academic needs. She assesses her clients’ needs by drawing from her expertise in neuropsychology, clinical psychology, and educational therapy. Currently, Ingrid is pursuing her doctoral studies in Development & Educational Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research focuses on using advanced statistical techniques to understand disparities among autistic youth.

Leveraging a diverse range of clinical and assessment expertise, Ingrid utilizes her ongoing experience as a lead researcher on new clinical interventions (e.g. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Autistic Youth) and understanding nuances in assessments to assist clients in overcoming educational obstacles. She is an award-winning clinician and researcher who has published several articles in renowned journals on moving forward the field of interventions and assessments.