Careers at LA Mindworks

LA Mindworks’ Clinical Practice

LA Mindworks helps clients leverage their strengths to bridge gaps that they’ve identified in their academic or professional lives. These gaps commonly have a neuropsychological basis, disorders in the systems that control attention, cognition, emotion, or information processing. These include ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression, and specific learning disorders in reading, writing, and math. At LA Mindworks, we specialize in complex presentations, where clients have more than one thing going on, often for quite a long time.

We are a small practice that specializes in helping students from 1st grade through college with complex challenges to their learning. Our clients are always in mainstream classes, but have diagnosed (or suspected) disorders in attention, cognition, or emotional regulation. These include ADHD, autism, dyscalculia, dyslexia, sensory processing disorders, as well as specific learning disorders in reading, writing, and math. Our clients often have two or more co-occurring disorders and may come to us with an ingrained sense of anxiety, disability, or frustration.

Current Job Openings

Associate Educational Therapist

LA Mindworks is looking for experienced, AET-certified educational therapists to work with middle- and high school students with a wide range of learning needs.


  • Certification through the Association of Educational Therapists at the Associate level or higher.

  • At least one year of experience helping students between the ages of 7 and 22 with diagnosed learning disorders to learn more effectively.

  • Experience helping students with ADHD to increase self-regulation through training in strategic tools.

  • Experience helping students with reading comprehension and clarity of written expression in the presence of diagnosed disorders that impact learning.

  • A ready supply of magical rapport that makes your work fun and effective. 🌈

Full job description

ADHD Specialist

LA Mindworks is always looking for experienced ADHD specialists to work with middle- and high school students.


  • Experience helping students with strategies to build supportive habits, mindsets, and routines to build academic (and life!) efficacy.

  • Experience training kids level-up their encoding and retrieval strategies.

  • Deep familiarity with non-medical interventions to support a range of ADHD-related presentations, as well as familiarity with helping kids and families manage the benefits of ADHD.

  • A ready supply of magical rapport that makes your work fun and effective. 🌈

    Full job description

How we do what we do

Our work is to help clients orient to their academic needs with abundant kindness, knowledge, and resourcefulness. We teach our clients to leverage their superpowers to address the gaps that exist, reframing impossible needs into manageable challenges. We work collaboratively with a client’s family, school, and allied health providers, such as psychologists, occupational therapists, psychiatrists, and tutors.

We always work one-on-one with clients in 55-minute sessions, usually once or twice per week. Sessions typically take place in our offices in the Westwood Medical Building near UCLA, but may take place by Zoom or in a client’s home if those modalities fit the child’s needs and therapist’s logistics.


We use SimplePractice as our practice management platform to manage scheduling and billing. It’s brilliant. It syncs your schedule of client meetings to your phone, reminds clients of their meetings, and is a central repository of client records. It streamlines communications with clients, removing common obstacles (e.g. there’s a button you can press to send a release form if you need to talk with a client’s psychologist). As an LA Mindworks contractor, you will have semi-monthly paychecks.

How to apply

If you’re interested in a position at LA Mindworks, please send your resume and a cover letter to All inquiries welcome.


Our offices are in Westwood, 10921 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 403. We are looking for team members who can work in our offices, but if being a “road warrior” who travels to client homes or schools is your thing, then that’s OK too. We have a limited need for Zoom appointments, which can be done from anywhere convenient to you. Our clients do range across the globe, so there are opportunities to work at different times of day. Most clients are seen in-person on weekday afternoons and evenings, though some prefer weekend appointments. We have an expectation that you will be available for 8-40 hours of work per week.


We offer training in strategic interventions in line with the best practices in educational therapy. Weekly case management meetings are the core of this, and Jonathan is available 24/7 for help with anything that comes up.

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